Hard, cold facts show that over 52.3 million dogs live in the U.S., and every year, 13.9 million dogs become homeless. Dogs are surrendered because the landlord objects to complaints from other tenants-owners don't have time for their pets or move and don't take their pets with them. About 27% of this population end up in a rescue home; the rest of the homeless dogs find their way to an animal shelter. 15% of sheltered dogs are reclaimed-25% adopted- the other 60% or approximately 8.4 million dogs are euthanized or 3.7 dogs per second. Anywhere from 25 to 40% of those shelter dogs are purebred. Shih Tzu are part of these numbers. See Know the Facts Before Breeding Your Dog. Included in the millions of homeless dogs are the ones that have been treated badly by their owners, or irresponsible breeders. All 50 states have legislation in place to cover cruelty to animals. Cruelty is punishable by law. See Animal Cruelty Legislation.
Tzu Fanciers of Southern CA (STFSC) Rescue STFSC members donate their time and money for gasoline to pick up dogs, veterinary visits, grooming, and phone bills related to the Club's Rescue Program. All other funding for the Rescue Program are donations from the club, private donations and fund raisers. STFSC accepts tax deductible cash or raffle donations to help raise the funds needed to continue and expand our high quality Rescue Program. If you wish to make a donation, privately fund one of our rescue projects, need additional information, have questions, comments, or would like to join STFSC and Rescue Program, please email us, attention: STFSC Rescue Program. RESCUE PROCEDURES When we pick up a Shih Tzu, the dog is de-fleaed, bathed and groomed. Shots are given (DHLPP and bordetella). The dog is examined by us in preparation for a veterinary examination. The dog is evaluated for temperament; reaction to other pets, children and strangers. For example, some dogs work better in a family situation, but sometimes one may not work well with young children. Many Shih Tzu desire the company of other pets, while others want to be the only pet. If the animal's nature is shy or aggressive, this must be assessed, also.
The veterinarian will examine and treat the dog for existing health problems and internal parasites. ALL DOGS ARE SPAYED/NEUTERED before placing... NO exceptions. Too many dogs are being bred by people who do not understand the serious over population problem that exists with all purebreds. Dogs are bred and sold for a quick buck without considering what might happens to those adorable puppies.--Editorial Comment.
WHAT IS IT WE WANT FOR THE DOG? The perfect home for life! Rescue dogs have gone through at least one disappointment or personal "hell" in their lives, and we do not want to put them through another sad chapter. We are very realistic when talking to people about the possibility of owning a dog. We tell them the negative things that they will probably encounter, such as potty training, grooming, and of course the flea problems. We try to supply the new owner with educational pamphlets and booklets to help with these problems and facilitate new owner transitions. We already know the positive side.