Legislation Briefs
Breeders Remain Exempt from Licensing
and Dogs
that Could Restrict Air Travel of Live Animals
Restrictive Spay/Neuter Laws Ever in Los Angeles!
10 Tips for Successful Involvement in Canine Legislation
How to Write, Call, Meet Your State's Legislators
Statutes for Animal Cruelty
Welfare Act-(if you wish to read the Act):
Tzu are one of the top ten most popular purebred dogs in this country. Hundreds
of these superb animals wind up in shelters and worse, every year, with the
numbers climbing by the month. Some kind of legislation is necessary to help
assuage the overpopulation situation of all purebreds. Currently, many states
are passing laws that are intended to help the situation. Unfortunately many of
these bills are unfair and/or not carefully thought out, ending up allowing the puppy
mills, and irresponsible backyard breeders to continue their operation without
these laws applying to them, while proving highly prohibitive to responsible purebred breeders.
section will try to list enacting legislation and new proposals put before state
legislative bodies regarding canines, throughout the U.S. Obviously, STFSC
concerns are laws passed in CA concerning animal welfare propositions. However,
as more and more states pass animal welfare legislation, these laws both fair
and unfair could become federal statutes, affecting every state.
If your county or state has passed a
bill or is in the process of preparing a bill to be passed regarding animal
overpopulation and welfare issues, please email us and
we will publish the information. If you are a concerned Shih Tzu fancier from another
state, we will put you in touch with a purebred club in your area.
animal legislation is being passed that you believe will not protect purebred animals,
is unfair to responsible breeders, or is not well thought out, write to your congress representative, and state your
opinion. Remember that if your state legislators do not hear protests from their
constituents, they assume the
bill is a good one, and will support its passage.
California Federation of Dog Clubs (CFODC) is the statewide organization devoted
to promoting responsible pet ownership and dedicated to the preservation and
expansion of the sport of purebred dogs through education and example. CFODC
is a dedicated group of dog fanciers with a mission to update, inform, and
educate people and dog owners about the real issues related to canine
legislation, with an emphasis on laws that restrict dogs by breed or type.
Dogwatch website: http://www.dogwatch.net/

10 Tips for Successful Involvement
in Canine Legislation
Pay attention to the local news.
It is important to follow your local
news carefully, watching for the kind of events that may trigger a
dog-related proposal by your local government. And don’t forget to read
the public notices section of the local newspaper. It announces legislative
meetings, hearings, and details that the main stories might miss.
Take advantage of local information sources.
Your city or county
courthouse, your public library, the staff or clerk of the local government,
and even members of the media are all equipped to answer your legislative
questions. Most phone books list numbers of local and state government
offices, and many governments send free informational materials. Don’t be
afraid to take your questions to the source.
Familiarize yourself with the local legislative process.
What is
involved in getting a proposal passed into law in your area? Are public
hearings required before the assembly or city council can vote? Are meetings
open to the public? Can the mayor veto a bill? etc.
Know how you can become involved.
How can you get on the agenda to
speak at a hearing? Are there rules for speaking? How far in advance are
hearings announced, and where are such announcements posted? What is
involved in becoming a member of a special task force or study committee
should such an issue arise?
Get to know your local politicians.
Learn who they are, what they
support, when they were elected and when they come up for re-election. What
are their personal interests? Do they have any pets? Arrange to meet with
them to introduce yourself and your club’s interests.
Acquaint yourself with your state senators and representatives.
Become familiar with their names and interests. Find out who represents your
district, and the districts in which your club has members. And don’t
forget those staff members! They can be very valuable contacts, and great
sources of information.
Find out which committees in your state and local government handle
canine concerns.
An agriculture committee may deal with kennel
regulation or zoning, while a commerce committee may monitor the intrastate
sale of dogs. Get your name on these committees’ mailing lists to receive
information about upcoming hearings and agendas.
Learn about your federal representatives.
Who are the senators and
representatives from your state? On which committees dog they serve? What
are their interests? What issues do they support? When is the next election,
and which of them will be on the ballot?
Involve your club.
Encourage club members to take an interest in
legislative concerns. Share your legislative news with them regularly, so
that they will not be surprised if you suddenly need their help.
Organize a phone chain or another efficient form of contact so that you can
alert club members easily if an issue arises requiring a rapid response.
Communicate with other groups that share your concern for canine welfare.
In addition to other dog clubs, local shelters, veterinary societies, or
animal owner groups make valuable allies.
Remember, there is strength in numbers.
Cooperation is often the key to

you updated on legislation across California
CALIFORNIA - Rep. Virginia Strom-Martin’s
AB 1139 would establish an
animal population control fund to create a low-cost spay/neuter program. This
would expand an existing law that requires the city to provide for the spaying
and neutering of stray dogs and cats. The current law also imposes mandatory
spay/neuter for all adoptions of dogs and cats from shelters.
CALIFORNIA - After initial failure and subsequent reconsideration, SB 103
has passed the Senate Public Safety committee and been referred to the Senate
Appropriations Committee. The bill would add a provision to existing law
allowing prosecutors to bring felony charges against owners of "mischievous
dogs" that cause "severe injury" to a human being. Because the
definition of "mischievous" is problematic, this bill could impose
criminal liability on a broad class of dog owners.
CALIFORNIA - Lynne Armstrong of the Border Collie Club of Northern California
reports that the following two bills are pending in the legislature. AB 860
that no lease agreement entered into, modified or renewed on or after January 1,
2000 shall prohibit a mobile home owner from keeping a pet within the park,
subject to reasonable rules and regulations. SB 858 would permit
recipients of federal social security disability insurance benefits who have
guide, signal or service dogs to receive a special food allowance.
If you have
information on new CA legislation or updates to include in this section, please email
us the information for inclusion.