ON THE ROAD TO BEST IN SHOW! Before you consider entering your Shih Tzu in competition, you should know the following AKC rules concerning surgical procedures. Chapter 11, Section 8 of the AKC "Rules Applying to Dog Shows" states: "A dog is considered changed in appearance by artificial means if it has been subjected to any type of procedure that has the effect of obscuring, disguising or eliminating any congenital or hereditary abnormality or any undesirable characteristic or that does anything to improve a dog's natural appearance, temperament, bite or gait. "Even procedures that are absolutely necessary to the health and comfort of a dog shall disqualify the dog from competition if the former had the incidental effect of changing or even improving the dog's appearance, bite or gait." The AKC Board of Directors adopted the above in 1993, and went on to approve a specific list of procedures that ..."would in and of themselves be considered a change in appearance by artificial means and make a dog ineligible for shows." These procedures would include but not be limited to: * Correction of entropion, ectropion, trichiasis, or distichiasis. * Trimming, removal, or tattooing of third eyelid. * The insertion of a eye prosthesis. * Correcting harelip, cleft palate, stenotic nares, an elongated soft palate reaction. * Changes to ear set or carriage. * Various dental procedures. * Removing excess skin folds or skin patches to alter markings. * Correction of inguinal, scrotal or perineal hernias. * Hip dysplasia surgery, OCD, patellar luxation, femoral head resection. * Altering testes location, insertion of artificial testicle. * Altering the set or carriage of the tail.
At the same time, the Board approved the publication of a list of procedures that "... undertaken to restore the health of a dog would not in and of themselves affect a dog's show eligibility." The procedures would include, but not be limited to:
* Repair of broken legs, insertion of pins, plates or wires. * The removal of damaged cartilage. * The repair of ligaments that have ruptured or been torn. * Caesarean sections. * The repair of umbilical hernias. * The removal of tumors or cysts. * Gastric torsion/bloat surgery. * Splenic torsion surgery. * Tonsillectomy. * Correction of "Cherry Eye." * Debarking. * The removal of dewclaws if a regular practice in the breed.
Next, a Shih Tzu must be entered in the show to participate. The potential show dog should meet the AKC standard of the breed as closely as possible. Dog shows are basically a process of elimination, with one dog being named Best In Show at the end of the day. (See Chart) Along the way, some of the dogs accumulate points toward the title AKC Champion. There are six regular "classes" in which Shih Tzu may be entered. The following classes are offered for male and female dogs.
12 TO 18 MONTHS - 12 to 18 months, that are not yet champions. NOVICE - Never won a blue ribbon in any of the classes or has won less than three ribbons in the novice class. Photo: Show Off's Kitten On The Keys; Owner/Breeder: Ena Lane